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Tema o potencijalnim lekovima

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 16:05
by Golub
Čudno je da ovakva tema ne postoji. Dakle, ovde bi mogli da pišemo o potencijalnim novim lekovima, napretku medicine i slično.
Za početak:

Crohn's disease is a severe inflammation of the intestine causing untold misery to almost 180,000 sufferers in the UK alone, and millions in the rest of the world. In many cases there are clear genetic links, but there is now good scientific evidence that the disease is caused by the bug Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP).

Over a period of 8 years and at a cost of about £1.5 million, a research team at St George's Hospital Medical School (now St George's, University of London) led by Professor John Hermon-Taylor, has developed a state-of-the-art modern therapeutic vaccine to kill MAP and get rid of the distressing symptoms that blight the lives of so many sufferers and their families.

The vaccine will move to clinical trials and market development over the next three years. Over this period there is an absolute scientific requirement to develop tests that will establish proof that the vaccine will make people with Crohn's disease better. This final essential piece of scientific research will require £550,000.

A Crohn's cure?
Prof Hermon-Taylor and his team began seeking funding in 2001. Since then they have received and committed over £1.5 million. With this they have designed and delivered a state-of-the-art modern anti-MAP vaccine. It consists of a critically important cassette of MAP DNA in two harmless carrier viruses called Ad5 and MVA. These carriers are already working in approved clinical trials with other modern vaccines. In the Crohn's Disease vaccination treatment procedure, the Ad5 is given first and the MVA boost 6 weeks later. In multiple tests over the last two years, the Crohn's vaccine has consistently proved to be effective both in treating existing MAP infection and protecting against subsequent MAP infection, without any side effects.

What is still needed?
We have come a long way and are nearly there. The Crohn's treatment will move to clinical trials and market development over the next 3 years. Over this period there is an absolute scientific requirement to develop new quantitative tests for MAP in humans, new immunological tests for MAP in humans, and tests for the specific immune responses of people to the vaccine. Together these tests will establish proof of concept that anti-MAP vaccination can make people with Crohn's disease better, and it does so by depleting or eradicating the MAP infection. This final essential piece of scientific research will require £550,000.

Please contact Professor Hermon-Taylor directly for more information, using the contact details at the top of the page.

Naiđoh na ovu vest nedavno, ali ne znam u kojem se pravcu razvija ovo istraživanje i dokle je uopšte stiglo. Bilo bi lepo kada bi neko ko je vičan englskom da malo pročešlja net pa da nam podnese raport ovde (hehe).
Šta mislite o ovome?

Re: Tema o potencijalnim lekovima

Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 09:48
by Igor77
Već ima tema o ovome no ovo je novina da razvijaju vakcinu. Videću da već nađem nešto kad ulovim vremena.

LDN (Low dose naltrexone)

Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 03:09
by mmixn
Da li neko možda ima iskustva ili informacije o korišćenju LDN (low dose naltrexone)? S obzirom da su neka preliminarna ispitivanja dosta ohrabrujuća, čudi me da se o ovome nigde ne priča više, i da je vrlo mali broj programa kliničkih ispitivanja u svetu. Naltrexone je u upotrebi već više od 20 godina za lečenje bolesti zavisnosti. Osim toga se sve više koristi "nezvanično" u lečenju autoimunih bolesti, raka, MS i to sa dozama 10 puta manjim nego za lečenje zavisnosti. Najčešće negativne posledice primene LDN-a su nesanica i živopisni snovi?! (uporedi to sa upozorenjima za imuran i remicade!!). Klinička ispitivanja (phase II, double blind trial) koja se sprovode na Univerzitetu u Pensilvaniji pokazuju poboljšanje kod više od 80% pacijenata! Osim toga, lek je izuzetno jeftin, košta bukvalno 100 puta manje od Remicade-a. Problem je možda u tome, što ni jedna farmaceutska kompanija nema patent na LDN, i nema interesa za skupa klinička ispitivanja (?!?!?!?!?!?!). Nisam pristalica teorija zavere, niti sam "paljevina", ne skačem na neproverene glasine, vrlo sam skeptičan - ali ovo oko LDN mi je u najmanju ruku vrlo misteriozno. Istina je verovatno negde na sredini da LDN nije čudesan i svemogući lek, ali ako i malo pomaže, zašto se to ne ispituje više?
Lekare u Srbiji donekle razumem, verovatno su im ruke vezane zakonom, i moraju da primenjuju već oprobane metode, a nemaju mogućnosti za svoje studije.
Bilo bi dobro možda da mi ovde zatalasamo, ako ništa drugo da se naši lekari informišu da ovako nešto postoji, da i pacijenti znaju za to i da traže mogućnost lečenja, i ko zna, možda onda neki hrabriji i preduzimljiviji lekari počnu i da ga prepisuju!
Ako ovde možda ima nekog od tih hrabrih i preduzimljivih lekara, ja se ovim putem dobrovoljno prijavljujem za zamorca za ispitivanje LDN-a! :) Ne želim da uzimam na svoju ruku, bez lekarskog nadzora ni jedan lek, pa ni LDN. (to je preporuka i za druge, nikada nemojte sami eksperimentisati, bez obzira koliko se to činilo primamljivim!!!)

dodatne informacije o LDN:
naučna literatura:
1. Therapy with the Opioid Antagonist Naltrexone Promotes Mucosal Healing in Active Crohn’s Disease: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial (Jill P. Smith, et al. 2011, Digestive Diseases and Sciences Volume 56, Number 7, 2088-2097, DOI: 10.1007/s10620-011-1653-7)
2. Low-Dose Naltrexone Therapy Improves Active Crohn’s Disease (Jill P. Smith,et al.) American Journal of Gastroenterology (doi: 10.1111/j.1572-0241.2007.01045.x)
3. Low-dose Naltrexone for Treatment of Duodenal Crohn’s Disease in a Pediatric Patient (DOI 10.1002/ibd.21185)
4. Low-dose naltrexone targets the opioid growth factor–opioid growth factor receptor pathway to inhibit cell proliferation: mechanistic evidence from a tissue culture model (Experimental Biology and Medicine 2011; 236: 1036–1050.) DOI: 10.1258/ebm.2011.011121

Re: LDN (Low dose naltrexone)

Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 16:36
by Golub
mmixn wrote: Osim toga, lek je izuzetno jeftin, košta bukvalno 100 puta manje od Remicade-a.
Ključni deo.

Re: Tema o potencijalnim lekovima

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 18:56
by Philthy McNasty
Bas pre neki dan odgovirh na ovu temu na hrvatkosm forumu, nije to nikakva teorija zavere , kao sto si rekao, nema dovoljno istrazivanja iz prostog razloga sto niko od Big Pharma-e , prvenstveno u USA, nema patent na lek i ne moze da napravi pare....... vec poznata prica. Da je neko to vec patentirao bilo bi u medijima 24/7

Ja sam nedavno saznao za LDN jer sam tragao za resenjem problema svog oca koji ima treci stadijum, hronicnu Lajmsku bolest, vrlo nezgodna stvar koja je neizleciva u ovoj fazi ali se moze dovesti u red odredjenim alternativnim metodama.
LDN koristi jedan od vodecih doktora u svetu po pitanju Lajmske bolesti i u svojoj knjizi prica o iskustvima koja su vise nego pozitivna jer naltrexone pojacava imuni sistem sto je daleko bolja varijanta od ustaljnih , po meni suludih, praksi konvencionalne medicine u kojoj se za autoimmune bolesti koriste iminosupresivi gde se imuni sistem , koji je vec narusen, jos vise narusava.

Naltrexone je vec dosta dugo u upotrebi za bolesti zavisnosti i doza je oko 50mg dok se u ovom slucaju koristi doza od svega 4,5mg dnevno pre spavanja (ali samo lek brzog dejstva) i ima uticaja na ne samo Kron vec i poduzi spisak drugih autoimunih bolesti.

Inace, lek je prilicno jeftin, oko $30 za mesecnu dozu. Problem je sto se LDN izdaje na recept pa ga nije moguce nabaviti iz USA ili neke druge zemlje, nisam siguran da je bilo ko upoznat da ovim u Srbiji.

I pored svega ovoga, LDN nije cudotvoran lek koji ce izleciti Kron vec samo ublaziti posledice bez nezeljenih efekata drugih imunosupresiva, u svakom slucaju je pomak ali koren problema nije sa ovim resen.

Re: Tema o potencijalnim lekovima

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 03:51
by mmixn
hvala Philty za info i za osvežavanje teme. Nadam se da će LDN pomoći tvom ocu. Inače meni je neverovatno ovo sveopšte odsustvo entuzijazma za LDN... Trebalo bi nekako poraditi na tome da se ljudi kod nas zainteresuju i da počnu organizovano vršiti pritisak da se LDN uvrsti u arsenal "klasične medicine", ili makar da se ozbiljno ispita njegova efektivnost. Trenutno ne znam na koji način bi mogao dati svoj doprinos celoj stvari, ali spreman sam da se angažujem.

Time for a change!

Re: Tema o potencijalnim lekovima

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 17:56
by Philthy McNasty
Entuzijazam postoji , samo jedan od foruma , ali stvari uvek pomalo kasne u Sribiji.

Da sam ja cekao da mene lekari izlece od Krona, ehh......... ko zna kako bi zavrsio, mozdao gutao nekakve steroide i kojekakve gluposti. Niti cekam da bilo ko izleci moga oca, preuzimam stvar u svoje ruke.

Re: Tema o potencijalnim lekovima

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 23:43
by Golub
Naše pretpostavke se svode na isto na kraju.
Entuzijazam postoji, ali čini se, samo među pacijentima.

Re: Tema o potencijalnim lekovima

Posted: 02 Aug 2012, 00:18
by Suvi_vrat
New hope for Crohn's patients: immune-system transplants?

Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center were approved to begin a trial to test whether a bone-marrow transplant from a healthy donor can cure patients with severe Crohn's disease by giving them a new immune system.

In a bold experiment, Seattle researchers are seeking to cure severe Crohn's disease by giving patients a new immune system.

The clinical trial, which just received final approvals, will take a closer look at a side effect of bone-marrow transplantation that researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center noticed years ago: A handful of leukemia patients given donor marrow cells were also cured of their Crohn's disease, a chronic intestinal inflammation.

Essentially, the idea behind the new study is simple: "It's swapping out an old, diseased immune system for a new immune system, which we hope — and our research would support — will take care of the Crohn's disease," said Dr. George McDonald, the study's principal investigator.

McDonald, a transplant researcher and gastroenterologist, said until recently, it was unthinkable to offer a bone-marrow transplant for a non-life-threatening disease.

"I've been waiting to do this protocol for 20 years, but only recently have our outcomes gotten to the point where I think it's a good balance between risk and benefits," McDonald said.

In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2010, McDonald concluded patients who had a bone-marrow transplant from 2003 to 2007 were much more likely to live long-term than those who underwent the procedure in the 1990s.

Even so, a bone-marrow transplant is not without risks to patients. In this study, it will be offered only to those with the most devastating, untreatable form of the disease, believed to be caused by an abnormal immune response to intestinal bacteria that is rooted in genetic abnormalities.

"This is something we've thought very hard about — the ethics of this," McDonald said. "The ethical equipoise of this protocol is not life versus death, it's continued misery versus curing the disease."

McDonald said the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America estimates that about 700,000 Americans live with Crohn's disease, which can cause pain, fever, diarrhea and weight loss. For most, medications control the disease, but a small fraction has found no relief.

Those are the people McDonald and his team are hoping to find for the very small Phase 2 clinical trial now under way. Patients must be between 18 and 60 years old with severe Crohn's disease unresponsive to conventional treatments, but otherwise healthy.

Even for patients who meet the criteria, McDonald said, there will be challenges. For one thing, their insurers have to agree to cover the transplant and related medical expenses.

Then, the study will have to find matched bone marrow from a patient's sibling or an unrelated donor.

Linda Huse, Northwest regional director for the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation, said her organization is excited by the clinical trial, "and even more excited for our patients at the chance for a cure."

The Crohn's Allogeneic Transplant Study's investigation team also includes the University of Washington, Seattle Children's and the Benaroya Research Institute.

The research was funded by The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation.

If this trial is successful, McDonald said, he hopes to be able to broaden the criteria for others with Crohn's.

"This is one step toward offering this as the definitive therapy for more patients with this disease."